


From the Third Episode of the First Season of "A Bit of Fry and Laurie", by Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. Incredibly funny.
a git- a moron -a twat
a con man
pathetic- credulous - harmless -healing -soothing-


Learn first aid skills

Learn first aid skills 
The British Red Cross wants you to feel confident and willing to give first aid. Everyday First Aid makes it easy to learn the skills you'll need to help in an emergency.

There are videos with advice for different situations.

English for Nurses and Medical Professionals

Here's a link to a great site. 

It includes general vocabulary, specialists, medical supplies and tools, ...



    Sheryl Sandberg

    Here's the video Inma showed us in class.
    You can choose the subtitles from the bar at the bottom of the screen.