

Double-Decker Buses

tilt To cause to slope, as by raising one end; incline:

- keel over:

1. to turn upside down; capsize
2. (intr) to collapse suddenly

- weld:
to join pieces of metal together by heating the edges until they begin to melt and then pressing them together

- plywood: a strong board that is made by gluing together thin sheets of wood




What's your wish?

 genie:a magical creature in old Arabian stories that will do what you want when you call it
spare tire: an additional tire /a bulge of fat around the waist 


Mock Exam

  • Reading & Use of English: To be given on Febr 26th (Mon/Wed class) & 27th (Tue/Thu class). To be corrected on March 4th & 5th. Allotted time: 90 minutes
  • Listening: March 2nd (Mon/Wed class) & 3rd (Tue/Thu class). 40 minutes



The other day the word "tacky" came up in class & Alberto mentioned this song and kindly sent me a link.
You can learn some new expressions like:
plaid: a cloth made with a tartan pattern 
to drop names: To casually drop the name of a famous person who you, a friend or relative know, so as to appear cool vicariously because you know a famous person.
uggs & crocs are shoe brands. The first is best known for soft boots like these. 
Crocs are rubber clogs like these.
sequins:disk-shaped beads used for decorative purposes. Like these
resume: CV
YOLO: You Only Live Once


How to survive Valentine's Day if you're single

Take heed: to consider someone’s advice or warning and do what they suggest
Mope: to feel bored or unhappy and show no interest in doing anything
Brash: cheekily self-confident and impolite
Smug: well satisfied, or too obviously pleased, with oneself
Sneer: to raise the top lip at one side in a kind of smile that expresses scorn or contempt
Sour grapes : criticism of something that you make because you are annoyed that you cannot have it
Pay through the nose:  to pay a lot, or too much
tat :anything that looks cheap, is of low quality, or in bad condition
Slushy programmes: Expressing emotions in an excessive, silly or embarrassing way
A knowing smile: showing that you know about something, even when it has not been talked about
A tacky teddy bear:  used about something that looks cheap and of poor quality or something that shows bad taste
Play the field: to have several sexual relationships before you choose a permanent partner